Friday, July 31, 2009

Mathenomics. (It's new...)

Greetings Noel nation.

In an attempt to boost our efforts to help out the global icon Detcher Byun, and provide some relief from his infamous and increasing medical bills, we have decided to SLASH ticket prices for the Byun Fund Fest.

We know what you're thinking..."Wait, won't that decrease the amount of money we give to Detcher?"

Possibly...but we are changing the admission price to a "suggested" $20. Whatever you can give to help out this cause would be greatly appreciated. We would rather have someone's $10 than not their $20...see what we just did there...that's called mathenomics. (It's new, and its crazy smart....)

But seriously folks, we just want people to come and have a great time and do what they can for our neighbor. As a token of our appreciation to those that did and will purchase $20 tickets- we will be giving you a brand-spankin'-new official custom aluminum Noel Brew keychain bottle opener. Ooooohhh....Ahhhhhhhh. (they're really cool, and handy!)

You can still buy tickets/donate money and read about the details via our website:

A little mathenomics review: Beer + Music + Food + Bocce = Awesome!

Thanks for your love and support, The Noel Brew Team

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